Thursday, July 15, 2010

Getting Good Grades

If somebody were to ask me what was the most important being being popular, accomplishing things or being organized. I'd say being organized. Because if your organized then
your more likely to get good grades. And if you get good grades then then you get to go to a good
college and if you go to a good college then you get a good job.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

When I wanted Somthing.

If I want something and cannot have it I just say OK and walk away. If I want baseball cards
and I can't have them then I just buy them next time. When did I want something and could not
have it. One time I wanted a pack of baseball card but I couldn't have them because I got a bunch of cards like a month a go.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Why I don't like fame.

To me fame is not very inportant. Because I like power and money. I like money because I
know that if I save money now I won't be broke when I'm older. And that is why I don't like

Monday, July 12, 2010


If I had to vist Africa , china or Alaska I'd vist Alaska. Because theirs moose that walk right up to you'r door. I'd also want to vist Alaska because theirs lots of gold mines. And that
is why I'd want to visit Alaska.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

4th of July

Over the weekend I did two things . I saw Toy Story 3 it was a really good movie . Their were so many people that we almost didn't get a spot . I also saw fireworks they were really
good compared to the other fireworks . And that is what I did over the weekend .

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Life with out Television

Life with out television would be good because then other countries wouldn't look at
the U.S being so unhealthy . People should get outside more and exercise . And when you get
home don't eat unhealthy because then all that exercising was for nothing . So my point is that
people shouldn't be so unhealthy .